This week is parent teacher conferences so all week we've been getting out at 12:25. It is awesome. Tomorrow is my conference and I already saw my report card. It is straight A's. At my school we have to do a report on a state. I'm doing Michigan. I picked Michigan because my aunt and uncle used to live there.
Also, I play the piano and we are going to have a recital. I'm playing the song "Hosanna," with my older brother on guitar, me on piano, and some other people playing the drums. I can't wait.
Enchilada 'Lasagna'
5 years ago
Congrats on such an excellent report. It shows how hard you have been work and it was a new school with new friends for you this fall.
Have fun at the recital too.
That's so awesome! Good for you - you must be working hard at school.
What day is your recital?
That is just wonderful Julia! It will be even better when the teacher tells your parents how wonderful you are.
And a recital also. You are one busy girl.
Michigan is a cool state!
Did you know that people who grow up in Michigan have a joke that they can show you where they grew up or where they live on their hand? (Because Michigan looks like a hand?)
They'll say, "I live in the crease of the thumb" or "right by the little finger" or "smack in the middle of the palm." Me? I live on the opposite side of the thumb, right on the edge, almost to the wrist.
Good luck on your report and your recital! And congrats on straight A's!
Congrats on your A's - you are such a smart girl and we are very proud of you. That's hard work! Your cousins have report cards and conferences next week :)
Wow, a whole week of getting out early - that must be nice!
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