Saturday, March 14, 2009

Swimming Already this Year

Almost my whole family have started swimming this year. I was the first one though. The water is still very cold. The last time I went swimming was yesterday. I love swimming but I'm not on any teams or anything. I just can't wait until the water is warm enough to stay in.


Teri said...

Sounds like fun. I love to swim also.

Emily Ann said...

Swimming is really fun! I've never been on a swim team. My friend says that it is a lot of work. I wish that it was that warm here! I hope you have fun swimming!

kristen said...

I am jealous! It is still cold here in Virginia, near Washington, DC. I'm sure the water would be too cool for me to get in yet even if I were there near you, but it sounds nice and warm to sit NEAR the pool for me. :) Have fun swimming!

Tina in CT said...

Enjoy the pool. Swimming is a terrific sport. I always used to swim a lot but don't get to it now.