Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Going on a Train

Today we finally got Alex. He is a handful. He likes to play bite me. It is annoying. It is gonna be hard on the train tonight to Kiev. I just can't wait untill were home on Friday. I would post longer but we have to go.


Kathy Cassel said...

It may be a challenging transition bringing him from the O to your home but you're up to the challenge.

Jodi said...

Hi Julia,
I hope you have a really good trip back home. I hope Alex calm's down for you and your mom. If you can imagine what an adjustment this is for him, it might be easier to understand his behavior. I'm sure once he is used to being in a family and learns all the rules, it will be easier on all of you, Alex included! Thanks for all your great post's, the duck shoes sound funny!

Safe Travels,
Jodi Lewandoski

rachel.j.reed said...

that is relly cool julia we miss u we are doing good love u .

Ellie said...

Hi Julia,
I hope everything is going well. You must be so excited to go home!