Saturday, August 15, 2009

School is Great

I love my school. Sixth grade is great. One bad thing is that for the first two days I've had an ear infection. It still really hurts. One thing I like about my teacher is that on the first day we got to pick wherever we wanted to sit. The next day he put us in alphabetical order. One thing I don't really like is that there isn't to many kids from my old school aren't in my class. Still I think school is fun and I can't wait to go back on Monday.


Rachel said...

that is really cool julia. from Rachel

Moriah said...

Hello! My name is Moriah. I really like your blog! Feel free to come check out my blog.

Kathy Cassel said...

I'm glad you are off to a good start.

Connie said...

We'll be there to distract you from your homework in just a few days! >;-) .... ok, maybe we won't bug you too much, and maybe I will even have your cousins sit with you to do their writing or other exercises they've been working on to stay sharp this summer.... THEN we'll bug you! (nicely, of course)

Cath said...

Hey Julia, I am glad you enjoy your new school. Here in Canada a person moves to a new school for grade 7, and again in grade 10. Is it pretty common for a teacher to place you in alphabetlcal order for seating?
