Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Nice Knitter

The Nice Knitter blog is all done by my older sister Rachel, so don't think it's by me. I think she will enjoy it if you looked at it. She called it that beacuse she likes to knit. Hope you enjoy her blog.


Unknown said...

Hi, Julia! My name is Rachel, just like your sister's, and spelled the same way. I really like the pictures of your crocheted items--that's so neat that you can do that! I can sew but crocheting and knitting are way beyond me. You guys are such a talented family!

SimplyTamiK said...

I linked to your blog from your mom's.
Love your passion for everythings you do.
Keep on creating your crocheted items.
I'm an artist too...but with fabric and a sewing machine.
In Him- Mrs. Kromer

Teri said...

Soon you will have a whole family of bloggers. Or maybe you already do. I will go visit your sister's now.

Teri said...

Julia, do you have a direct link to 'the nice knitter' ? I can't find it.

Tracy said...

HI Rachel,
I love your blog, and you are so clever to crochet like that! I never learned to do that very well. I am glad you all had a good time in the mountains.

Anonymous said...

Hi Julia! Glad you have a blog. I think it's funny that you like to crocket and your sister likes to knit. That's great!

Heather said...

Julia, your blog is great! I didn't realize you had one, but I have been following your Mom's blog for a long time and have loved getting to know your family. I just saw the group PureNRG the other day on t.v! I had never seen them before. My girls who are a bit older now, used to listen to Jump 5 all the time and the group you mentioned reminds me of them. It's fun music you can listen to and has a great message.

Shari said...

I love your blog Julia! Keep crocheting. This old lady still can't figure out how to crochet! I read your Mom's blog all the time and I will be back to check on you, too. :o)