Monday, January 12, 2009

The First Day of School After a Three Week Vacation

Today was the first day of school after a three week vacation. Waking up this morning was kind of hard. We all went to bed at seven so we would have enough sleep waking up at six. School was kind of different and a lot of my friends got haircuts like me. It was weird. We had to ride the bus to school and from school. What is kind of sad is that on Mondays now we get out on normal time instead of 12:30.


Teri said...

Happy back to school day. You really had a long vacation! It must have also been haircut time for a lot of friends.

Tina in CT said...

I bet it was hard to be back in the routine after such a long break over the holidays.

Connie said...

Your cousins got back into the school routine better than I did! I'm getting there ;-)

MtnGirl said...

I know returning to school after a long break isn't always fun, but now you are halfway through the school year! It's hard on teachers too! :-)

Anonymous said...

Well i didn't even get three whole weeks off of school! only 12 days! soo close! i didn't get a hair cut. that's okay though.
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